Kit, Reaktif & Sarf Malzemeler » Sendromik Test Çözümleri » INOGene-Yüksek Riskli İnsan Papilloma Virüsü (HPV) RT-PCR Paneli
INOGene-Yüksek Riskli İnsan Papilloma Virüsü (HPV) RT-PCR Paneli


INOGene-High Risk Human Papillomavirus RT-PCR Panel
INOGene-Human papillomavirus High risk RT-PCR Panel is a real-time PCR (qPCR) test intended for the presumptive qualitative detection of the viral agents. The kitis applied to nucleic acid isolates obtained from cervical, vaginal and penile swab samples.


Human papillomavirus (HPV) is a major cause of cervical cancer in women and reason of oropharyngeal and anogenital cancer, and genital warts in men and women.

HPV infects basal epithelial cells and mucosal cells in the anus, vagina, vulva, penis, and oropharynx.

There are more than 200 HPV genotypes known. HPV genotypes are classified under highrisk (HR), medium-risk (MR), or low-risk (LR) groups according to their known risk of developing cancer.

HPV infections with high-risk genotypes (16, 18, 31, 33, 35, 39, 45, 51, 52, 56, 58, 59, 66, 68), can cause cancer development.


Detection with the kit is achieved via rapid nucleic acid extraction from cervical, vaginal and penile swab samples followed by multiplex qPCR targeting the genomic DNA regions specific to the target agents inreal-time PCR instruments that are equipped with FAM, HEX, ROX, and CY5 detection channels.


The kit components are shown in the table below.


Reagents 100 reactions
Reaction mix 4x1000 µl
HHPVOligo Mix 1 500  µl
HHPVOligo Mix 2 500  µl
HHPVOligo Mix 3 500  µl
HHPVOligo Mix 4 500  µl
PC-HHPV 1 100  µl
PC-HHPV 2 100  µl
PC-HHPV 3 100  µl
PC-HHPV 4 100  µl
NTC 1000 µl


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