Kit, Reaktif & Sarf Malzemeler » Sendromik Test Çözümleri » INOGene-İnsan Bağışık Yetmezliği Virüsü (HIV) Kantitatif RT-PCR Kiti
INOGene-İnsan Bağışık Yetmezliği Virüsü (HIV) Kantitatif RT-PCR Kiti


INOGene-Human Immunodeficiency Virus (HIV)  Quantitative RT-PCR Kit


HIV is classified in the family Retroviridae, subfamily Lentivirinae, and genus Lentivirus (1).

The struc- ture of HIV follows the typical pattern of the retrovirus family, comprising a singlestranded, positive- sense ribonucleic acid (RNA) genome of about 9.7 kilobases.


INOGene-Human Immunodeficiency Virus Quantitative RT-PCR Kit assay is a one-step real time reverse transcription PCR assay in which RNA templates are first reverse-transcribed to generate complementary cDNA strands followed by DNA polymerase-mediated cDNA amplification.


INOGene-Human Immunodeficiency Virus Quantitative RT-PCR Kit utilizes external standards to gather quantitative results and includes an internal control, which controls for target isolation and amplification.

The target region is situated in gag gene region of HIV-1 genome and is 121-bases long. HIV-1 RNA concentration is noted in International Units/ml (IU/ml).


The kit components are shown in the table below;


Reagents 100 reactions
HIV-1 Reaction Mix 2x1000 μl
HIV-1 Enzyme Mix 165 μl
HIV-1  Internal Control 250 μl
HIV-1  Quantification Standart 1 (107 IU/ml) 100 μl
HIV-1 Quantification Standart 2 (106 IU/ml) 100 μl
HIV-1  Quantification Standart 3 (105 IU/ml) 100 μl
HIV-1  Quantification Standart 4 (104 IU/ml 100 μl
PCR Grade Water 100 μl


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