Kit, Reaktif & Sarf Malzemeler » Sendromik Test Çözümleri » INOGene-Hepatit C Virüsü (HCV) Kantitatif RT-PCR Kiti
INOGene-Hepatit C Virüsü (HCV) Kantitatif RT-PCR Kiti


INOGene-Hepatitis C Virus (HCV)  Quantitative RT-PCR Kit


INOGene-Hepatitis C Virus (HCV)  Quantitative RT-PCR Kit is an in vitro nucleic acid amplification assay for quantification of Hepatitis C virus (HCV) RNA in human serum or plasma (EDTA) using viral RNA extraction kits via Real-Time PCR instrument.


INOGene-Hepatitis C Virus (HCV)  Quantitative RT-PCR Kit is intended for use as an aid in the management of patients with chronic HCV infection undergoing anti-viral therapy to assess response to treatment in conjunction with all relevant clinical and laboratory findings.


INOGene-Hepatitis C Virus (HCV)  Quantitative RT-PCR Kit is not intended for screening of blood and blood products for the presence of HCV RNA or confirmation of the diagnosis of infection with HCV.


The kit components are shown in the table below.


Reagents 100 reactions
HCV  Reaction Mix 1000 μl
HCV  Enzyme Mix 70 μl
HCV Internal Control 250 μl
HCV Quantification Standart 1 (107 IU/ml) 100 μl
HCV Quantification Standart 2 (106 IU/ml) 100 μl
HCV Quantification Standart 3 (105 IU/ml) 100 μl
HCV Quantification Standart 4 (104 IU/ml) 100 μl
PCR Grade Water 100 μl
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